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Here are some of my written works that you can purchase on the Publish America website on their online web store.










Invaders in the Dark

Patrick Lavigne

It was a normal day for Patrick Matthews, going to school for the last few days before summer vacation. However, on this day he should have just stayed at home. A mysterious dark cloud of smoke appeared and began to engulf the entire town. In a daring and brave act, he saved the girl he has had a crush on since the sixth grade, from harm’s way.

From that point on it was just a matter of how long they could stay alive. Patrick and his newfound friends believed they were safe. However, there was an even bigger threat indoors than there was outside of the high school they just entered.

Can a small band of teenagers save the world from total extermination? Can the youth of this world be the only hope that all humanity has left?

Coming Soon!


I am currently working on a 2nd novel that is called No Limits,No Fear, No Mercy. It should be available in a few months from now. I will keep you updated on the website and on my facebook page.

For more information on this book! Go to

Go to the online bookstore and look up any of the titles you see here!